
Discoveries happen while sorting through years of family memories. How do you capture the stories and hold on to them? Who tells your stories?

Maybe it is a box of old trophies, mom’s secret meatloaf recipe, the funny drawing your kid just brought home from school, or maybe it is a large piece of artwork that has a significant story or important financial value.

On Cue Organizing is excited to collaborate with Artifcts to help document and save the memories of your favorite items. Through the Artifcts software, we can write and/or record (voice or video) your story about an object that can be kept private for your own memories or shared with loved ones.

We can help you:

  • Navigate the software and get you started

    Prompt you and help you with the stories about your object (even if it's as simple as “my mom gave it to me”)

  • Create “circles” to share Artifcts with loved ones, and to see theirs!

  • Tag your items to manage the estate dispersal to family members

  • Declutter and downsize (the memories will stay, the “stuff” may not)

  • Bring those memories forward with you (even if the objects go).

  • Download and send your Artifcts catalog to your insurance and estate planners

  • Create QR codes to attach to objects to connect the digital with the physical

  • Receive free valuation of objects by Heritage Auctions

Together with Artifcts, On Cue Organizing can encourage communication with your loved ones today  and ensure that the stories, memories, and legacy will last for generations to come